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#81 03-05-2017 14:30:58

Lieu : au chaud !
Inscription : 25-08-2010
Messages : 41 656
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !

to help me learn ,I write here my list of the ten irregular verbs of the day:

Bet ""cost"" cut"" read""

bring brought "
buy bought "
build built "
burn burnt "
catch caught "
dream dreamt "

and the list is in my toilet too wink

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03-05-2017 14:30:58

partenaire publicitaire:

#82 03-05-2017 16:31:29

Lieu : entre champs et forêt
Inscription : 09-05-2012
Messages : 6 276
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !


Don't spend too much time in tour toilets !!

In a few minutes, i have to go to my daughter's horse riding lesson?
It's cold and rainning. Just a pity i can't bring my computer and stay into the car sad

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#83 08-05-2017 08:51:08

Lieu : au chaud !
Inscription : 25-08-2010
Messages : 41 656
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !

I'm alone at home since thursday evening to tomorrow because my husband is in Corsica with our friends bikers (I could not go with them because I work)
so, i review
have a nice day

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#84 17-05-2017 19:20:05

Inscription : 27-08-2010
Messages : 10 801
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !

Hello !
A good website for english : spe*kspe* (a)
Just in case you would have more exercices wink tongue

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17-05-2017 19:20:05

partenaire publicitaire:

#85 18-05-2017 06:39:48

Lieu : au chaud !
Inscription : 25-08-2010
Messages : 41 656
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !

alexbzh a écrit :

Hello !
A good website for english : spe*kspe* (a)
Just in case you would have more exercices wink tongue

Hi, and thanks
I go on "anglais faci*"
It's a good website too

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#86 24-05-2017 15:25:56

Inscription : 20-10-2006
Messages : 6 091
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Re : yes...I do it !

ouahhh super !!!!!! fonce vas y
on viendra te voir alors

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#87 07-07-2017 09:06:16

Inscription : 27-08-2010
Messages : 10 801
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !

Ouhou ! smile
Are you still in your toilets ? lol

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#88 07-07-2017 13:50:14

Lieu : au chaud !
Inscription : 25-08-2010
Messages : 41 656
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !

alexbzh a écrit :

Ouhou ! smile
Are you still in your toilets ? lol

it's a dificult period for me..I need to spend time with my family but i continue to take english curses and i have to pass the BULATS on August 22

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#89 07-07-2017 14:00:18

Inscription : 27-08-2010
Messages : 10 801
Site Web

Re : yes...I do it !

ok, I understand wink
I hope you'll have time to review and practice your english. Don't forget to have a little rest during your holidays wink
Personaly, I'll try to recopy my vocabulary in a dictionary.

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